Gang Beasts

Gang Beasts is a thrilling multiplayer party game created by Boneloaf, a compact indie game development team. The game rapidly carved out its niche in the gaming community with its quirky design and chaotic brawling mechanics. Initially making an appearance on Steam’s Early Originally launched on Steam Early Access, it rapidly rose to fame for its distinct mix of comedy and competitive gameplay. In this extensive review, I will delve into every aspect of the game, including its gameplay, storyline, graphical design, sound, and provide some essential tips and cheats to enhance your gameplay experience.

Gameplay and Mechanics Unveiled

Centered around gelatinous characters, Gang Beasts offers a physically amusing and roughhouse party game experience. Players are thrust into various hazardous environments where the primary goal is to fight other players and be the last one standing. Each brawler is controlled with a set of simple yet deep mechanics that allow for grabbing, lifting, throwing, and punching, giving each player ample opportunities to toss opponents off the map or into danger zones. Matches often turn into hilarious brawls where players struggle to maintain balance while attempting to execute tactical maneuvers.

The Quirky and Minimalist Storyline

Gang Beasts isn’t built around a traditional storyline; rather, its sporadic fights across different maps make up the narrative. Each map has its own theme and set of challenges, providing a fresh experience with every match. What story exists is implicit, conveyed through the setting and the absurdity of the brawls, reminiscent of drunken bar fights but far more comical and less dangerous. The lack of a narrative focus does not detract but rather enhances its party-game nature, encouraging players to create their unforgettable moments.

Encounter with Technical Bugs and Glitches

No game launches without a hitch, and Gang Beasts has had its share of technical difficulties. Most notable among these are issues related to online multiplayer mode, where players sometimes experience sudden disconnections or lag, which can disrupt the gameplay considerably. Additionally, physics glitches often lead to unpredictable character movements and at times, completely irrational game behavior.

Awards and Recognitions in the Gaming Industry

Gang Beasts has not only been a favorite among players but has also received accolades in the gaming industry. It has been nominated for multiple awards including the BAFTA for Multiplayer in 2018. Its unique play style and innovative mechanics have set it apart in the crowded space of party games, often being praised for its originality and the ability to provoke laughter and joy among participants.

Graphics and Environment Design

The visual appeal of Gang Beasts is characterized by its simplicity and cartoonish aesthetics. The characters are colorful, blobby, and have an almost claymation-like texture that adds to the game’s playful feel. Environments are equally varied and creatively hazardous, ranging from meat factories to ferris wheels, each adding a unique twist to the gameplay. Despite its seemingly basic graphical style, the game requires a good deal of processing power due to the detailed physics simulations of its environments and characters.

The Immersive Sound Design

The sound design in Gang Beasts complements its graphics perfectly, enhancing the chaotic and fun atmosphere. From the whimsical music tracks that play in the background to the satisfying thuds and comical squishes of punches, every sound effect adds depth to the brawl. The environmental sounds also play a crucial role, giving life to each map whether it’s the ringing of a bell in the lighthouse or the grinding gears of the factory machines.

Cheats and Easter Eggs

While traditional cheat codes aren’t a component of Gang Beasts, the game is filled with Easter eggs and secrets that reward exploration and experimentation. Knowing the intricacies of each map allows players to use the environment to their advantage, turning potential hazards into opportunities. Additionally, there are hidden costumes and customizations to be unlocked which do not alter the gameplay but provide a means for personal expression.

Tips for Mastering Gang Beasts

Success in Gang Beasts often comes down to a mix of strategic thinking, timing, and a bit of luck. Mastery involves understanding the physics-based movement and being able to anticipate opponent’s actions. Leveraging the environment is essential; maintain constant awareness of your surroundings and understand how to utilize them to overcome adversaries. Additionally, maintaining a strong grip on opponents while staying balanced is key to executing effective throws and punches.

Concluding Thoughts

Gang Beasts is a delightfully chaotic game that thrives on its simplicity and the sheer joy of jelly-like brawling. Despite its technical imperfections, the continuous developer support and the game's consistent delivery of hilarity and competitive fun distinguish it as a prominent game in the party genre. Whether you’re looking for a casual game to play with friends or a competitive battleground to prove your brawling skills, Gang Beasts offers a unique experience that is hard to find elsewhere.

Final Rating

I would rate Gang Beasts a solid 8 out of 10 for its unique gameplay mechanics, engaging environments, and the endless fun it provides. It’s a must-play game for those who enjoy a good multi-player rumble.

To download the app, you will get links to the Official Website and/or official digital markets.