Revitalizing Nostalgia: A Deep Dive into the Little Big Adventure Remake

Wilson Quennel


Revitalizing Nostalgia: A Deep Dive into the Little Big Adventure Remake

A nostalgic journey for gamers from the mid-90s might bring to mind the beloved game, Little Big Adventure. This title gained a solid following, leading to several sequels, yet it never quite reached the enduring legacy of some contemporaries. Now, the team at Studio 2.21 is diligently working on a remake, titled Little Big Adventure: Twinsen's Quest. Although a release date has not been disclosed so far, I had the opportunity at Gamescom to converse with CEO Ben Limare about the upcoming remake.

During our conversation, Limare shared insights on how the team is revamping the Magic Ball mechanic within the gameplay. He highlighted that the magic ball serves as the core gameplay element, emphasizing its uniqueness in the realm of gaming. Though it may seem like a quirky choice for a weapon, it offers an enjoyable experience. The team aims to enhance this enjoyment, stating their commitment to making the magic ball a key feature, transforming it into something they envision as the ultimate version.

While the Magic Ball presents its unique set of obstacles, the greatest challenge has been updating a game created in the mid-90s for contemporary audiences. Limare explained that the original title’s environments were segmented into scenes, resembling cubes with defined edges. For the remake, they have unified these separate scenes to create a cohesive island environment, akin to an open world. This shift represents a substantial evolution in design and serves as their primary challenge in the development process.
